Name | Weina Zhang (中文简历) | |
Title | Associate Professor | |
Department | Department of Data Engineering | | | ||
Courses Taught | Python Programming (Bachelor Program), Convergence Journalism (Bachelor Program), Web Design and Production (Bachelor Program), and Fundamentals of computer Applications (Bachelor Program) | |
Research Interest or Teaching Expertise | Machine Learning, Big Data Algorithms and Applications | |
Self-Introduction | I have obtained my Bachelor's degree of Engineering of Computer Science and Application in 2000 in China Agricultural University. I have obtained my Master’s degree of Engineering of Computer Application in 2006 in China Agricultural University. I have been a visitor scholar in Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Miami from 2016 to 2017.
I have been engaging in teaching of courses on computer science and applications. My main research interests are Machine Learning, Big Data Processing Algorithms and Applications. | |
Publication | 1. Zhang, Weina, and Yilun Zhang. “Integrated Survival Analysis of MRNA and MicroRNA Signature of Patients with Breast Cancer Based on Cox Model.”[J]. Journal of Computational Biology, 2020,vol. 27, no. 9: pp. 1486–1494. 2. Zhang, Weina , S.Feng and H.Li. Research and Implementation of Predictive Modeling Based on Logistic Regression Modeling: About Possibility of Customer to Buy a Tablet PC.[C] Fifth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences & Optimization IEEE, 2012,. pp.639-642 3. Zhang,Weina,S Feng.”Design of mobile teaching platform based on Android” [C]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Informationa Technology,2012, pp.301-305 4. Haibo Wang, Weina Zhang,Yuan Zhang. Responsive Web Design and Production - Based on Computational Thinking [M]. Beijing: China Railway Publishing House, 2019: pp.19-96 5. Haibo Wang, Weina Zhang, Zhaohua Wang, Lixin Liu. Web Design and Production - Based on Computa- tional Thinking [M]. Beijing: Electronic Industry Press, 2014: pp.194-277,297-306 | |
Projects | Scientific Research Projects 1. Research on Cox Model Based on Sparse Structure of Genetic Network, January 1, 2020- January 1, 2022, Principle Investigator, RMB 20,000.00 2. Research and Implementation of Security Verification Mechanism Based on Android Teaching Platform, March 2013 - March 2015, Principle Investigator, RMB 20,000.00 3. Multimedia Interactive Teaching Platform Based on Android, March 1, 2013- March 1, 2014, Principle Investigator, RMB 30,000.00
Teaching Reform Projects 1. Research and Practice of Student-Centered Teaching Mode, January 2020-Janury 2021, Principle Investigator, RMB 20,000.00 |